Saturday, February 19, 2011

Winter AGAIN?!?

I knew that the warm weather would not last but I had hoped that it would not get really cold for a few more days. It is 25 degrees here with wind gusts up to 40 mph. I went out to the post office and I am back in out of that cold wind.

Time to turn on the fireplace and read a good book.

I hope that everyone is safe and warm.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Its been quite a time since I wrote in my blog. I have been really busy with grandchildren, work, home projects and watching it SNOW!!

This is a winter like we used to have. I'll bet the younger people are really tired of hearing this said. But, believe it or not, and no, it was not because I was shorter then, this winter has had more snow than I have experienced since a child.

Thankfully, we live in a condo and the driveway is taken care of for us. The snow is piled so high that you cannot see my van when it is parked. Hopefully, the 40 degree weather that we are being promised next week will help to take some of the weight off the roofs. There have been several cave ins in the area. Not only homes but businesses and schools have had problems.

Sure hope that ground hog was right and spring is around the corner.

Stay safe and warm. Each day that goes by is one day closer to the warmer weather.